VoiceThread Docs / Web Application / Sharing / Sharing to Facebook or Twitter

Sharing a VoiceThread on social media is a great way to expand your conversation.  K-12 school districts have the option to disable this in the Manager Settings area, but by default anyone can share a VoiceThread on Twitter or Facebook.

New VT

  1. Navigate to the sharing area.
  2. Click on the social sharing tab (icon looks like a #). social_media_sharing_tab.png
  3. Click on “Share to Facebook” or “Share to Twitter.”
  4. Sign in to your account on the selected platform and complete their sharing process.

Legacy VT

  1. Navigate to the sharing area.
  2. Click on the “Basic” tab at the top of the window.
  3. Select “Post” from the left-hand side of the window.
  4. Click on the service to which you want to post your VoiceThread.
  5. Log in to that service, and grant VoiceThread access when prompted.
  6. Complete the post.

Note: Sharing a VoiceThread on social media automatically sets your publishing options to allow anyone to view and comment on your VoiceThread.